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Samstag, 5. November 2011

Skincare Part 1 - Cleanser &Toner

...Everything You've ever wanted to know about skincare in one post...
Be aware! This is gonna be a very long post about each and every skincare product I've ever used and can think of. This is my honest opinion and doesn't have to agree with yours. If you have any questions, please comment and I'll try my best to answer them. Other than that, have fun reading :) 

Skintype: Normal/Combination 
sometimes also sensitive, when I'm trying to hard and overuse some stuff...höhö
but in general my skin is not ambitious at all, therefore I don't pay attention to the suggestions on the products saying what skintype to use what stuff (probably a bad habit) The reason for trying some products is either one of my siblings bought it or because the advertisment actually convinced me (SCREW THAT!). Anyway, let's get started with cleansers and toners

Lancome Galatée Confort
Comforting Milky Creme Cleanser for dry skin
What it claims: Smooth and gentle, this emollient-rich, milky cream cleanser gently melts away makeup and impurities. The instantly comforting formula contains Honey and Sweet Almond Extracts to condition and pamper skin, leaving it feeling clean, silky-soft and soothed. Rinse or tissue off.
Lancome Tonique Confort - Comforting Rehydrating Toner
 What it claims: This silky-soft moisturizing toner immediately rehydrates and gently purifies skin. The instantly soothing formula made with Honey and Sweet Almond Extract gives skin a soft, fresh, clean and incredibly comfortable feeling.

My opinion: I definitely agree with Lancome. After using both products, my skin feels soft and fresh. After rinsing off my face, my skin still feels hydrated, probably because of the creamy formula. The Tonique works well correspondend to the Cleanser. It's thin texture soaks right into your skin, leaving a fresh finish. Besides that, I also like the smell of it, it's not too intense. I used this combination for years and didn't have any problems with it. My mum and my sister (CL!CK) also used this and are totally content. Even if you think it's kinda expensive, it actually is not. Because you get a good amount of product for a reasonable price. 
1) Pure Porefection
Skin Clearing Self Foaming Cleanser for oily skin

I couldn't find what it claims in the internet nor on the package...but it described how to use it: Dispense the mousse on to finger tips and massage it into wet face and neck. Rinse well. Use morning and night. If dryness occurs, reduce usage to every other day.

My Opinion: Quick and short. Anyway, I was soooo impressed after my first use. My skin felt sooo squeaky clean almost uncomfortable (senseless?) But ya, this product leaves you with a clean fresh feeling. After using this, your skin won't feel oily at all. I was so excited that I used it daily, until my skin got irritated and dry. So I changed my routine and only used it once a week. Other than that this is the cleanest product I've ever used for my face. For those who prefer a soft smooth finish, this type of cleanser is not for you. You have to look for a lotion cleanser then.

2) Solutions Plus Toner 
Blue: Maximum Moisture for dry Skin 
This hydrating toner makes skin more supple, as it removes residue and refine pores. Leaves skin feeling conditionned and remarkably revitalized. Alcohol-free. Suitable for sensitive skin. Dermatologist tested. Hypoallergenic. Non-comedogemic.
Orange: Total Radiance for normal skin
Skin refining toner. Hypoallergenic.Dermatologist tested ... It doesn't say more on the package.
My Opinion: Since I have normal skin, I can't really tell if one works better than the other, but somehow I like the blue one better. Although both leaves you with a fresh feel, the orange one might be too aggressive for your skin depending on what skintype you have. I don't feel like any of those did anything to refine my pores, but as for usual toners, they're definitely fine.

3) Solutions 2 in 1
Refreshing day cleanser and make up removing night cleanser
My opinion: Again I used to own both, but i used the blue one up, so I'm only left with the orange bottle now. For the fact that I used the blue one up, it's obviously that I prefer the blue one. The blue bottle leaves a soft finish and fresh feel on your skin. I guess it depends your skintype. Other than that I like 2 in 1 products in general, just because they are so convenient to travel with. I love the make up remover part of each bottles more than the cleansing part. The cleansing gel is nothing too crazy. So ya, if you're looking for a convenient decent cleanser, this one is probably for you.                               

...The next product seems not to be available in the U.S, so I figured it's senseless if I would review it when you're not able to try it anyway. Sooo, I decided to review it for my german readers ;) If you're interested and have any questions though, feel free to ask!
L'oreal Hydra Active 3 - Sanfte Reinigungsmilch 
(Gentle Cleanser for dry-sensitive skin)

Behauptung: Eine Innovation der L'Oréal Hautforschung, die Omega-Ceramide enthält und dem Austrocknen der Haut entgegenwirkt. Speziell für die Bedürfnisse trockener und sensibler Haut geeignet. Für eine gründliche, aber sanfte Reinigung. Ergebnis: Die Haut ist perfekt gereinigt, beruhigt und spannt nicht

  Meinung: Die Reinigungsmilch ist sehr angenehm. Wenn keine Reinigungsmilch anderer Marken funktionieren, komm ich immer wieder gern zu diesem Produkt zurück. Es ist sanft und gut zu meiner Haut und reinigt diese auch dementsprechend. Nachdem meine Haut überstrapaziert wurde von dem täglichen Make-up Auftrag & Reinigung, wurde meine Haut sehr empfindlich. Selbst meine Lancome Produkte "brannten" auf meiner Haut. Glücklicherweise, wie L'oreal wirbt, ist diese Milch für sensible Haut geeignet und brannte überhaupt nicht. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt! Das Preis-Leistung Verhältnis ist auch gut. Wer eine gute aber günstige Alternative zu Lancome probieren möchte, kann es mit L'oreal versuchen. 

L'oreal Hydra Active 3 -Sanftes Gesichtswasser
Gentle Toner
Das sanfte Gesichtswasser ist angereichert mit Oligo-Proteinen, die für die Stärkung der Schutzfunktion der Haut bekannt sind:
Es klärt die Haut besonders mild und verschafft ihr eine sensationelle Frische und Wohlgefühl. Es schenkt der Haut Feuchtigkeit und verhindert ihr Austrocknen. Es lässt die Haut strahlen. Seine Textur macht die Haut seidenweich.

Meinung: Das Gesichtswasser widerum ist meiner Meinung nach nichts besonderes. Es ist mir zu dickflüssig und ölig(?). Vielleicht weil ich keine trockene Haut habe, empfinde Ich so. Persönlich empfinde ich dies nicht als erfrischend oder wohlfühlend. Es fühlt sich so "schwer" an. Nachdem es jedoch von der Haut eingenommen wurde, fühlt sich die Haut feuchtigkeitspendend an. Vielleicht habt Ihr eine bessere Erfahrung mit dem Gesichtswasser und es liegt tatsächlich nur an meinem Hauttyp. Lasst es mich wissen und kommentiert! :)

 Gentle Eye Makeup Remover - Eyes and Lips - Waterproof Makeup
Milder Make Up Entferner für wasserfestes und langanhaltendes Make up
What it claims: Eye Makeup Remover Waterproof removes eye makeup instantly with a gentle, oil-free formula. Cleans delicate eye area without leaving a greasy film. Dermatologist-tested and safe for contact lens wearers.
My opinion: This cleanser is awesome! It seriously get rid of everything. Even if I use this after a cleanser lotion, I will still find some dirt with this. It's not aggressive, but as it's promoted still very gentle. Love this!
Gentle Eye Makeup Remover - Eyes 
What it claims: Eye Makeup Remover removes eye makeup instantly with a gentle, oil-free formula. Cleans delicate eye area without leaving a greasy film. Dermatologist-tested and safe for contact lense wearers.
My opinion: Nothing too spectacular. Before you use this, you need to shake it, just as the cleanser mentionned above. I don't like the greasy feeling after using this one. Although it still removed my makeup in a good way, this cleanser is pretty expensive, knowing the fact that other cleanser perform the same job too, but cheaper.
 Rimmel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover
  • Removes waterproof mascara
  • Removes all types of eye make up
  • Oil free
  • Dermatologically & Ophthalmologically tested
  • Suitable for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers
Opinion: Although you need several stripes to get rid of waterproof make up, I still think it's good for removing daily make up. This remover feels like water on your skin, very light and gentle, similar to a toner. Sometimes I used this, after I used one of my makeup remover lotion. Because this remover is mainly water based, I can get rid of that creamy feel, that a lotion cleanser gives you.

Again, the next products seem not to be available in the U.S, so I'm gonna review it for my german readers ;) If you're interested and have any questions though, feel free to ask!

 Garnier Hautklar - 3 in 1 Reinigung + Peeling + Maske
( 3 in 1 - Cleansing + Peeling + Mask)
Garnier Hautklar befreit deine Haut nachweislich von hartnäckigen Hautunreinheiten und Hautunebenheiten. Freue dich über ein sichtbar reineres Hautbild!

• Die Haut wird mattiert.
• Die Haut ist geklärt.
• Die Poren sind befreit.
• Hautunreinheiten werden ausgetrocknet – ohne die Haut zu reizen.
• Hautunebenheiten werden ausgeglichen.
• Der Entstehung von Mitessern und Pickeln wird vorgebeugt.

1. Reinigung: reduziert übermäßige Talgproduktion
2. Peeling: reinigt porentief
3. Maske: verfeinert das Hautbild

Meinung: Ich stimme mit Garnier überein. Persönlich empfinde ich keinen großen Unterschied zwischen Peeling oder Garnier als Waschlotion zu benutzen. Daher würde ich das Produkt eher als 2 in 1 Produkt bezeichnen. Jedenfalls, beim Peeling helfen die kleinen Perlen den ganzen "Dreck" von der Haut abzureiben und zu entfernen. Dieses Produkt hat nebenbei erwähnt sehr viel schaum, was gut zum Abwaschen geeignet ist...vermute ich mal.Die Haut fühlt sich frisch und sauber an. Als Maske, hinterlässt es ein kühlendes Gefühl sowohl beim Auftrag als auch nach dem Waschen. Ich habe tatsächlich das Gefühl, es dem Abschwellen der Pickel hilft und meine Mitesser reduziert worden. Doch, wie sehr ich von dem Produkt begeister bin, ist es nicht als tägliche Reinigung gedacht, denn bei "zu-viel-Benutzung" kann es die Haut austrocknen, aufgrund der Beseitigung des überschüssigem Fett/ Talproduktion etc.

Neutrogena Visibly Clear - 2-in-1 Reinigung und Maske 
(2 in 1 Cleanser and Mask)
Verbessert das Hautbild - Auf Basis natürlicher Tonerde

Sie ist tägliche Reinigung und tiefenreinigende Maske in einem:
• als tägliche Reinigung entfernt sie Schmutz & überschüssiges Fett & beugt Pickeln vor.
• als wöchentliche Maske reduzieren die hautklärenden Inhaltsstoffe Hautunreinheiten & sorgen so für eine saubere, geschmeidige Haut.
• die spezielle Formel mit natürlichen Tonerdeextrakten wirkt ohne die Haut auszutrocknen.
Für eine reine und gesund aussehende Haut – an jedem Tag!

Meinung: Als Waschcreme, ist dieses Produkt sehr angenehm zu benutzen. Es ist reine weiße Lotion/Paste ohne die lästigen Peelings Perlen. Bereits beim Auftragen auf die feuchte Haut, erhält man eine kühlende Erfrischung. Aufgrund der Pickel Vorbeugung und Entfernung unseres Fettfilms und Schmutz auf der Haut kann es sein, dass unsere Haut durch dieses Produkt austrocknet. Daher benutze ich es nur jeden zweiten oder dritten Tag, nach dem Abschminken. Als eine Art Zusatz zur "Schmutz" Entfernung. Als Maske hat sie den gleichen Wohlfühl Effekt wie bei der Reinigung. Die Haut fühlt sich so erfrischend und sanft an. Tolles Produkt! Aber nicht unbedingt günstig. 

Neutrogena Visibly Clear - Anti Mitesser Gesichtswasser
(Pro Acne Toner)
• die Formel dringt tief in die Poren ein und entfernt Schmutz, sowie überschüssiges Fett, das die Poren verstopfen kann.
• dank seiner speziellen Formulierung hilft es, Mitesser zu entfernen und ihrer Entstehung vorzubeugen.
Für eine reine, frische und gesund aussehende Haut – an jedem Tag.

Meinung: Das Gesichtswasser hab ich täglich benutzt, doch einer Verbesserung meiner Mitesser oder Pickel habe ich nicht bemerkt. Anfangs war es noch angenehm, doch nach einer langen Zeit fing meine Haut auch an zu "brennen". Ich weiß nicht ob es an meiner Haut liegt...Wenn Ihr anders empfindet, lasst es mich wissen! Anders als das, ist das Neutrogena Gesichtswasser ein normales Produkt, nichts besonderes. Für den Preis jedoch, nicht wert nochmal zu kaufen.

Hat irgendjemand von euch schon die Neutrogena Visibly Clear "Pink-Grapefruit" Serie ausprobiert? Wie findet ihr sie? Ich würde sie so gerne ausprobieren, doch bei dem Preis, hab ich es nicht so eilig. Könnt ihr mir die weiterempfehlen oder eher nicht. Lasst es mich wissen :)

Have anyone tried the Neutrogena Visibly Clear "Pink Grapefruit" Line? If you do, please let me know if it's wort trying. I really want to try that out, but it's pretty expensive so I'm not rushing to get this. Please let me know if you recommend this one or not :)

Okay, I finally come to an end. I actually tried more products than listed above, but I can't remember everything... so ya. Anyway, I really hope this was helpful for you. It took me hours to search up it should better be helpful òó *kidding*... If you still have any questions, feel free to ask! 
There will be more skincare posts following such as masks, moisturizers, special creams for fighting acne etc. looking forward to that :) 

Have a nice weekend everyone! 
Lin xxx 

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

L'oreal Color Riche Intense

Everybody knows the popular "Pin Up Look" - simple clean eyes with bright red lips.
But do you have the same difficulties choosing a red that matches your skin color? Here comes L'oreal Paris with their new Color Riche Intense Lipstick Line matching each hair color. I got the color Burning Rose with a shimmery finish which was actually assigned for dark blondes... hehe whatever. In the drugstores, the lipstick ranges from 10-12€ (which is pretty expensive for a drugstore brand) I also got the matching nail polish "Resist & Shine - Titanium" in the color... it doesn't say, but it looks like the lipstick without the shimmer. However, let's get to the review...

So, this is how it looks once applied. It doesn't look too crazy with the shimmer, but after I removed the lipstick, I still had some residues of shimmer/glitter. I don't know if I can call it actual glitter...
The color pay-off is pretty good, this picture was taken with two coats of lipstick. The red is not to "orange" but also not to "berrish". It's a good balanced red ( If you know what I mean :-P) Well, the picture speaks for itself I would say :-)
Left: flash                                                                        Right: Natural Lighting
All in all, I think it's a decent lipstick. If you like shimmery/sparkly reds, that is not too glossy and shiny, but has a pretty good color pay-off, probably this one is for you. Since I only wore it for a short time, I can not say anything about the lasting power, but for the short time I wore it, it didn't feel too drying but also not very moisturizing. For the price, I wouldn't repurchase this lipstick, since it's nothing "spectacular", in my opinion. You can get the same results with any other brand, but save your money at the same time.

I hope this review was helpful for you! If you have any other (red) lipsticks suggestions, pls comment and let me know. I heard good things about Revlon Matte Red lipsticks and Maybelline Sensational ones. I want to try them out, but for me as a student, I unfortunately can not buy everything I want ... 

Anyway guys, thank you so much for reading!
Until next time, keep smiling :-)
Lin xxx

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011

Hair coloration

Hey guys! I decided to dye my hair again, this time a little darker. It took me a very long time to choose a color... Seriously you can not imagine how many times I walked in drugstores, starred at the color variation and went out again. Even my friends got annoyed by me ... It was always the same thing, whether that color was to golden/red/dark/cool/warm etc or just not my taste. Finally though, I chose
Honeybrown 54 by Poly Palette - permanent natural colors 
Brown Richness
While I dyed my hair, my mum thought it would turn out black. She scared the hell out of me... but fortunately, everything went fine. So if you try it out too, don't be scared that your hair look very dark at first.
As you can see, the color turned out more red, which I really like!!! <3 
If you're wondering why it looks more golden blonde at some spots, it's because of my bad bathroom lighting... that's why the pictures don't show the "real" color unfortunately...

As you can see, my hair looked way more blonde-redish before and really bright compared to now. I love the result, since I wanted to have a "real brown" color, not too blonde but not too red. I'm glad that I picked this color. Since I dyed my hair in the evening, I couldn't take a picture in natural lighting, but I will do it soon!

All in all, this product kept his promises. You'll get what you see on the picture. The coloration mix isn't itchy or "burning" at all. In fact, it feels very comfortable. I'm really content with this product and I would definitely repurchase it again, if I'm looking for a good natural looking brown!

I hope this short "review" was helpful and fun to read (cough cough) 
Until next time, take care everyone!
Lin :)

Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2011

Shopping Tour

As promised here are some pictures of my shopping tour :-)
My mum and my little sister joined me and later my brother and his gf too.
My mum wanted me to get the cardigan in the second picture, because it looks so elegant...what do you think?
I tried on this creme asymmetric top and I loved it! I ended up buying it. I got another creme dress/long shirt but I didn't take a picture of it.
Obviously, we needed a break of our exhausting shopping tour :-P
Weirdos on the streets
...Oh btw did you see that girl's waist? It's crazy tiny!!!

Okay, that's it for today. I hope you guys enjoyed!

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011

Jade Buddha - Chua Vien Giac, Hanover

I finally get to write my post about the Jade Buddha festival celebrated in Hanover, Chua Vien Giac.
It's the world biggest Buddha statue made of Jade. People from everywhere (Swiss, France, Norway...)  have assembled at the temple to welcome and honor the statue for 10 days.
For me though, the first day was the most important one because guess what, I was the MC for the opening ceremony wohooo...but as expected I failed haha Well, actually I haven't done too bad but it could have been better right? Although, I was pretty nervous I've enjoyed it. I mean, come on there were thousands of people starring at you, waiting for you to make a mistake. You also have to keep in mind that everything was recorded....sigh see what I mean? Nevertheless, it was pretty funny especially when everyone goes like: Were you the MC? Can I take a picture with you?!
It was reeaaally worth it and I can not thank my master enough for gaving me this opportunity. Thanks to him I could gain more self-confidence and got an unique experience...not forget to mention all the professional pictures YAY :-P :D

 Family Picture <3


Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011

Kayla's school festival

Sigh...It's been a very long time I haven't updated my blog. Sorry guys!
I'll try my best to keep my blog although I'm back in GERMANY. It's easier said than done, because everything here seem so normal to me ...
Anyway, this entry will be very short. I'm not gonna write a lot, actually that's it haha
I'm only gonna show you guys some pictures of me and my family :D Enjoy!

Last but not least .... *drum rolls* my super long summer dress tadaaaaa

What is your summerdress for 2011?

Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

Home Sweet Home

... Looong time no see...
Sorry guys, I've just been so busy lately - no time for blogging.
The reason for is...*drumrolls* 12th June was my homeflight. Yes, I'm back in Germany.
My highschool year has come to an end and although I'm happy being home again, I feel very sad leaving all my new friends behind in Canada. Also, Stanley Cup (Hockey) was on and Canucks, Vancouver made it into the Finale but unfortunately they lost against Boston 4:0 and did not win the Stanley Cup) ...I tell ya, only because I wasn't there to support them ... no joke! :-P

Right now I'm in Chua Vien Giac, Hanover - a buddhist pagoda. Have you ever heard of the Jade Buddha? It's the world biggest Buddha Statue and it will come to Hanover from 18th to 26th June, 2011. Everyone is busy with work, whether decoration, cooking or cleaning. Everything must be perfect, so that this festival can be a success.

 It's 12.26pm right now and I try to write as much as I can, since my mum told me to shut down my laptop at exactly 12.30pm, because I have to get up tomorrow to pray "Kinh Lang Nghiem" which starts at 5.45am. I really missed praying with the Sangha... all their power and spirits are united as one. Really awesome!

Hmm I gotta sleep now.  I only have one minute left oh oh... haha. Hopefully I have enough energy to start a new busy day tomorrow :-)

Have a nice day/night everyone!

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011

Bell Acne Treatment #60

I finally get to write the review about the high-rated acne treatment by bell. I bought it after reading various reviews, that were all positive - mostly saying that acne disappeared in only 2-3 days...but honestly I have to disagree.

What it claims:
Finally, support for adult acne that really works! Help For Skin Disorders by Bell Lifestyles helps to optimize clear skin by working as a blood cleanser and lymphatic purifier. Containing oregon grape root, sasmparilla extract, neem extract, and more Help For Skin Disorders is addition to your skin supplement regimen.
Suggested dosage:
2 capsules 3 times per day. It get rid of your acne by cleaning your blood with only organic ingredients. Each capsules contain Oregon grape root extract, bitter sweet extract, sarsaparilla, juniper berries, neem extract. Information : 

Personal Impression:
When I first opened it, I noticed a smell of all the natural ingredients, but it wasn't that bad. However it wasn't that easy to swallow those capsules, since they weren't tiny. I mean look at the picture...they're huge... okay, okay I might exaggerate a little bit. Anyway, my body didn't react to this treatment in any way so I continued using it. I also took some pictures before and after, but since there is no result I decided not to post it. I am pretty disappointed about this product since I bought it for around $30+ Tax. Although Bell guarantees a refund if unsatisfied but the whole process of shipping it, waiting for a response etc... I just kept it and wanted to share my experience with you guys.

Actually I don't know what to say more about it, except that it's was a total waste of money. I don't know if it's only me, but for my friend, it didn't work either. So ya... I don't know if the reviews and statement about this product being a miracle are true or not, but for me unfortunately it's NO

I hope this review was kinda helpful and I think that my review might be the only negative one in the internet cheche :-P If you have any questions, please let me know and I will try my best to answer them.

P.S.: Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of acne? What are you guys using? 

I heard that the Drying Lotion by Mario Badescu is supposed to be very good. (youtubers: nguerriero19 and frmheadtotoe) Since one bottle cost $17 I'm not  rushing to get one... since it's pretty pricy.
Right now I'm just watching my diet and eat a lot of fruuuuiiits. Watermelon and strawberries and water ofc :-)

Lin YAY!

Donnerstag, 28. April 2011


Recently I read a post of my friend and I asked her for permission to reblog it. So here we go...

This is a Story…Please take your time to read it!

Hi Mommy!
I’m your baby. You don’t know me yet, I’m only a few weeks old. You’re going to find out about me soon, though, I promise. Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I’ve got beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don’t have it yet, but I will when I’m born. I’m going to be your only child, and you’ll call me your one and only. I’m going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we have each other. We’ll help each other, and love each other. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn’t wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I
know it already.

Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about me! …He wasn’t happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don’t think that you noticed, but he did. He started to talk about something called wedlock, and money, and bills, and stuff I don’t think I understand
yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay. Then he did something scary, Mommy. He hit you. I could feel you fall backward, and your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay…but I was very sad for you. You were crying then, Mommy. That’s a sound I don’t like. It doesn’t make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I’m not sure if I do. It wasn’t right. You say he loves you… why would he hurt you? I don’t like it, Mommy.

Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and you’re so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I’m happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.

I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love you, Mommy.

Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting funny and he wasn’t talking right. He said he didn’t want you. I don’t know why, but that’s what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry, Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won’t let you get hurt! I promise to protect you. Daddy is bad. I don’t care if you think that he is a good person, I think he’s bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn’t want us. He doesn’t like me. Why doesn’t he like me, Mommy?

You didn’t talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?

It’s been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven’t talked to me or touched me or anything since that. Don’t you still love me, Mommy? I still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug
me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don’t you do that when you’re awake, any more?

I’m 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren’t you proud of me? We’re going somewhere today, and it’s somewhere new. I’m excited. It looks like a hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell you that? I hope you’re as excited as I am. I can’t wait.

…Mommy, I’m getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don’t know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think something’s going to happen soon. I’m really, really, really scared, Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love you!

Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!

Don’t worry Mommy, I’m safe. I’m in heaven with the angels now. They told me what you did, and they said it’s called an abortion.

Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don’t you love me any more? Why did you get rid of me? I’m really, really, really sorry if I did something wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why don’t you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care about me, and not talk to me. Didn’t I love you enough? Please say you’ll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don’t want to be here, I want you to love me again! I’m really really really sorry if I did something wrong. I love you!

I love you, Mommy.

Every abortion is just…
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.

If you’re against abortion, feel free to reblog.
This is sooo sad right? I know T___T However, here is a small note for you...
If you want to avoid pregancy - abortion, use contraceptives before you have fun, my gosh... such as a condom...Haven't you been taught this in elementary school? Ôó
...definitely nooot funny... trying to be serious right now òó

Mittwoch, 27. April 2011

Easter Dinner

Just wanted to post a few pictures... too lazy to write anything haha
Thank you so much for having such a great time in Canada. I really appreciate that you guys take your time to prepare an easter dinner so we can spent time as a family.
Leslie working hard as always... Canucks GOGOO!!... Richard and his little word called : blackberry smartphone  
Look at the lovely prepared food Leslie, David and her mum made. 
...and one of her dogs tadaaa 
 looovee yaa <3 
Lin xxx